Saturday, September 9, 2017

Day 9 - Autobiography

TODAY’S NUDGE: Share something you’ve created that feels like it’s a part of your autobiography.

I can only hope that one day the things I create will somehow shed some light on who I was.  I hope one day to create and live a life that my girls can look up to.  That they can say 'Mom followed her heart and lived her dreams'.  I hope I've told them enough to instill in them to follow their dreams.  That they don't have to fit into someone else's mold of what they should be.

I hope to create art and to write stories.  I wish I knew more about my families histories so that I could write stories about them.  Leave a written legacy.  The best I can do is trace as much of my family tree as I can and document it. Write out what I remember of the stories my grandma told me and hope I can do them justice.  What I really need to do is write down every single thing I can remember her telling me and then go from there.

I think, I hope that by surviving the things I have been through and still finding the ability to keep going and build a good life.  That maybe through my stories and my survival can inspire someone else, maybe help them in someone.  

That you can even CHANGE your story.  Once upon a time, my story was dark.  I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper into darkness with no way out.  But someone took a chance and threw me a rope and shed some light in my darkness.  I was able to pull myself out.  

I hope to build something out of the muck and mud of my life stories, something positive to be part of my legacy.

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