Sunday, July 8, 2018

Weekend Wrap

My aunt messaged me today to tell me one of my cousin's husbands died yesterday.  I feel bad for her. As a nurse, it seems she is going through the "if only I was home" scenarios and syndrome.  It was sudden, he wasn't ill.  All the cousins my age, their kids are now graduating high school and some even older have enlisted or have gotten married and have their own kids.  It's so crazy to think of them as grandparents!

The conversation has turned to things in the neighborhood.  How much it has changed.  How the hipsters are moving in and pushing all the old timers out.  My other aunt recently had to vacate her apartment of probably over 50 years because it got sold for over a million dollars.  Now her old apartment is renting for $4000!  It was not a big apartment to begin with, no way it is worth that amount of money!  My aunt said I wouldn't recognize Greenpoint anymore if I came back.  Judging by pictures I have seen on Facebook or Instagram, I'd say she is right.  The only thing that hasn't changed are the two big churches, St. Stan's and St. Anthony's.  I guess I'll just hold on to the memories then.

I've been trying to take it a little easy today.  I had a weekend of free art classes to watch. But then I found out, each day's sessions were only up for 24 hours.  I had planned on watching a couple of those today, but now I can't.  Oh well.  I have the Women Unleashed retreat stuff I have to work through this week as well before they disappear.  This is the downside of not having had my computer for almost a month.

Tomorrow is supposed to be at least 102? I think that's what I saw last.  New thing....swelling in my feet and ankles.  Which then makes my feet feel like tingles or pins and needles by more mild.   Last night my ankles were also warm and light red.  I've had the swelling and tingles before when I lived in Georgia.  Usually if I've had it here, it was in conjunction with my cycles in the summer.  So this is kinda new for me.  But everything I have read so far is saying it's heat related, and I am not surprised.  I have a feeling that it's fibro related as well (if I do have it that is).  I might as well just say I do, it's how I feel but I'm no doctor. 

It's almost 7, probably should have some dinner but no one really wants to cook.  Maybe I'll just have a salad or finish some leftovers off.

Stay cool this week!


  1. Oh, yes, it is so hard to find decent housing here in Brooklyn. We're being pushed out. Between the hipsters and the Chinese businessmen who are buying homes for outrageous prices, tearing them down, and rebuilding tall apartment buildings...which no seems to live in by the way, those of us who live here are being made uncomfortable enough to move on.

    1. That's about what my aunt was saying about the hipsters. I remember hearing awhile back about these big real estate guys buying up properties to tear down and rebuild, then they are all vacant. I don't understand the concept there.
