Thursday, July 5, 2018

It's Too Dang HOT!

I can remember back to when I was a kid and the heat barely phased me.  I could run around outside like a maniac and get beet red and sweaty, not bat an eye.  Now....pfft!  I can't handle anything over 90 it seems.  Over 85 anymore seems to be pushing it.  Temperature sensitivity, guess I can add that to the list of things. 

Seriously though, it was triple digits at some point today.  Mom got nifty gadget for her birthday that reads the temp outside and inside.  There was a moment where it was reading 114!!!!!  I called it a liar LOL.  Inside the house, it feels swamp like. We don't have A/C, just fans and a cooler that you fill with water and it makes the air a little colder than just with a fan.  It's actually cooler outside right now at 10:35 PM than it is in the house.  I stepped out there for a few minutes but the mosquitoes were all "Hey Ya'll, a buffet." And since they find West Nile in the neighboring town, I didn't feel like getting eaten alive.  I got enough going on, don't need that too.

So for the next 10 - 14 days it's going to be hotter than Satan's butt crack out there.  So much to do outside, but to hot to do it.  Same goes for inside.  Can only do so much before you feel like you're going to end up in a puddle.

To make matters worse, there's a wildfire down in Nevada and the smoke is coming up into Idaho. There's a map on the NWS - Boise that shows the line of smoke coming in.  Looking out the back door you can see just hanging there over the house.  It's ugly!  Add to that the smoke from the fire in town at the onion shed.  That was scary to see that smoke because it looked like it was just over the hill. 

This is the third time they are losing the building.  Few years ago, 3 maybe? The original building was set on fire and destroyed by some teens.  During the construction of the new building, it partially collapsed under all the snow we got 2 years ago.  Now....this.  Contrary to popular belief, Idaho isn't just about potatoes.  Onions are a big crop out here.  Other things grown around here are sugar beets, mint, dill, corn for silage, and hops.  One year, there was a crop of mini corn stalks, I mean not more than 3 feet tall I'd say.  And at the end of each row as a pop corn bag.  So I guess that there is a specific type of corn grown just for popcorn.  I wish I had taken pictures of it!

Well, going to try and sleep tonight. But it almost seems futile between the heat and the pain.


  1. And I've been complaining about the heat? Heck, we're only in the 90's here in the east. Those wildfires are awful. I feel so bad for those who are losing everything, but thankfully they still have their lives.

    1. I don't know that it actually hit 114 or not but it sure felt like it LOL!
