Saturday, November 2, 2019

And So It Begins.......Again

No no, nothing bad.
Madness maybe (insert evil, maniacal laugh here)

It's time for NaNoWriMo.
My 14th year?  I lose count lol.  Website says 15, how am I to argue.

I was trying to do some prep in October.
But there was always something and then the month was over.

My original story idea still wants to be written.
I've lost some of the vision I had for it 15 years ago.
Right now though, it seems the story has some other ideas of where it
wants to go. So I will see where it takes me.

I rebelled yesterday by editing a bit of what I had started writing for it
in July and then added to that.
Coming in at just under 3,000 words.

I'm not going to put the crazy pressure some put on themselves.
I already expect the distractions and interruptions.

It is November after all.
Nano almost never runs smoothly LOL
But I have hope.

Now all I have to do, besides write all the words is:
  • Figure out who the faceless woman is
  • Come up with a name for the mysterious, magical history book that suddenly come into play
  • Figure out who the secret order is, what they are called, and what is there purpose
Because those are 3 things that appeared unexpectedly while writing yesterday.  None have names, or reasons for being. It will be interesting to see if they continue to speak to me and reveal themselves.


  1. Good luck this year -- your novel's premise sounds very enticing!

    1. Thanks!
      I tried figuring out the mystery woman, so far she's only got me more baffled than when she showed up.

  2. Sounds great. Good luck my friend.
