Friday, November 29, 2019

So Close, I Can Taste It!

The finish line.


So damn close, but still seemingly so far away.
It can come to a screeching halt without warning.
And that is what I am afraid of.
That the words will not come.

There are two days left to NaNo.
Today and Tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning is tied with getting ready for our feast
Tomorrow afternoon is tied up with eating and *gasp* socializing.
That leaves me with tomorrow evening if I do not finish or get close to
finishing today.

I only need 4822 words total. Or if I do half and half, then 2411 today
and the same tomorrow.

I was excited to  write some new stuff for the novel last night.
I want to create a gnome or some gnomes that become blade smiths.
By Gnomes, think World of Warcraft types as far as appearance goes.
Though, a Garden Gnome being a master blade smith would be rather
amusing. .OOH new thought, the Garden Gnome is the trainer who teaches
my WOW type Gnome how to do the craft.  That would be hilarious I think.
Well it would to me anyway. 

This is all something that I was not planning on.  Another one of those ideas
that came out of the blue that I was trying to hash out.  Do you know, if you
Google  "bladesmith gnomes or some combination string of the like", you end up
with either nothing relateable OR you get dwarves.  Dwarves, I had not planned
on either, but apparently they are going to at least get a mention for right now.

I love the new ideas, but they are so far from my original idea oh so many years ago.
Not a bad thing, evolving is good. In this case. I think.
It just means more research and exploring down the line. 
I do not want to get too heavily wrapped in the research rabbit hole because
that will just blow my writing words right out of the water.  And I can't have that.
Not now.

My biggest concern after reaching my end goal for November, is that I will
fall right back into the trap I have every year and that is that come December,
I stop writing. Then it just sits on the back burner, forgotten until Camp NaNo
comes around in April. Then forgotten again until July. Rinse and repeat into
the following November.  If I can sit my ass down and write shitty words
every day for a month, why then can't I keep going? That has been my dilemma
since 2005.  Only back then, there was no Camp NaNo.

Back then though, the problem was the nagging from the not yet ex. That and the
why are you writing that when you should be writing this instead.  I think that
was more my pit fall than anything else.  He was "supportive" in an undermining
sort of way.  I do not have that now. 

Now it is dogs and cats. And The Little Monster or the Little Bug or both at the same
time.  It is errands and life that has to be lived during the day where distractions run
amok. Sometimes it is the pain is too bad to do much, though other than my hands and my
hips or lower back, it has been deal - with - able.  I know I could have just said  tolerable.
But my brain paused and could not find that word in that moment lol.

Today writing will be  interrupted by pre prepping foods for tomorrow.
There is the five layer salad to make.
And some other salad.  Apple pie is baking.  There might be some
pumpkin banana bread to make still, if there is enough pumpkin left over.
Prep the sweet potato casserole. And the green bean casserole, leaving off
the fried onions until tomorrow.  It is not "a lot" by any means, but it is
enough to cause pause  in writing.

But when all that is done, I think I will find another ambient video on
You Tube and put on my headphones and get some of those words done.

If you are braving the roads and the crowds today for those sales,
Please Please do be careful out there.


  1. Your planned feast tomorrow sounds delicious. Gnomes and dwarves are pushy critters, aren't they? Write! Write like the wind!

  2. Thank you for your comment. You made my day. I am grateful for you as well.
