Thursday, July 25, 2019

Astrology And Me

I long thought, since I was a kid really,
that my sign was the one I was born under.
Period! The End!
That I was born a Scorpio and that's all there was.

Over time, (eight years ago, I suppose) I found out
there was more to.  There's Ascendant and Moon and
a shit ton of other things.  Houses and Ruling planets.

Being curious, I've on and off tried to look into things.
But I look at my know the ones you can do
for free online.  And so much of it like gibberish to me.

I've discovered my rising/ascendant is Capricorn.
And that my moon sign is Gemini.

Now, what I've been reading on just those alone has been
enlightening. An eye opener.

It explains why I feel so restless and/or unsettled.
It explains why I often feel like I need to get to the bottom
of things. Like why was my mother how she was. This might
be because of my Moon sign.
I've been told I'm much too conservative. And that might
be as a result of my Ascendant.
My Sun sign seems to explain my desire for authenticity
and seeking the truth.

I haven't yet gone passed all this.
It's quite overwhelming.
I'm in a group where people are talking about 11th house
stuff and what not. And I'm completely lost.
My 4th, 6th, 7th, 11th, and 12th houses all show up as blank.
No signs, stars, planets, asteroids as far as I can tell.  I was just
told though that your 11th house cannot be empty.  I don't understand
what that means.

To be honest, I don't understand any of it.
Maybe I can learn.
Another question came up about whether you were a Rainbow, a
Crystal, an Indigo, a Starseed, or a Light worker/warrior.  I thought there
used to be some online quiz thing to help determine it but I can't find it.
Though from what I just was reading, it appears I might be an
What does that mean?  Hell if I know for sure.  But it sure does
explain why I never felt like I belonged and many it seems have
gone through trauma or abuse in there childhood and teens. 

Why do I even care about this stuff?
I dunno.  It's fascinating for one.
I think it's something I've always been curious about.
Just looking at these four things, seems to explain or
clarify some things for me. 
Maybe it's because 50 is approaching and I feel like
I need to understand why things happened.  Maybe
it can help me figure out who I am and what my purposes is.
If nothing else, maybe I'll just learn about about astrology.
Or it will pass and I will put on the back burner like so
many other things.

Either way, I'll enjoy what I discover for now.

1 comment:

  1. Astrology in that much detail is just way too complicated for me!
