Tuesday, April 30, 2019

End Of April Already

It feels like the days are flying by.
Here we are, the last day of April.
One third of the year....POOF! Gone!
Just like that.

Some days, it seems like the world is going to shit around us.
Or maybe, just our country.
I don't even recognize it any more.
I often wonder what would my grandma think if she were still alive.
She struggled for so many years to get back to the US after
being taken to Poland and living through the war. Losing a child and
a husband. Losing her home. Raising two little boys.
I don't think she would recognize it either.  Or she might say it looked
a lot like what happened during the war.

On my other blog, I managed to complete the blog along.
Doing so also allowed for this to happen.........

As of right now, not counting this post, I'm sitting at 20,000+ words.
My goal was 19,500.  Odd number I know. I know other fellow writers
were going for a true NaNo and aiming for 50,000.

As for the 100 days, I've really fallen by the way side.  Maybe I should 
have done 100 blog posts as a goal instead lol.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I still can, there's nothing saying I can't change it.  I'll think about it.

Effy is going to extend the blog along to keep going. With the same for
every blog post you share in the group, you must read and comment on 

Mary Magdalene has been on my mind lately.  I don't know why.
I saw something that she is likened to Brigid. I might want to dig
deeper on that.  

And I've been smelling incense. Like you smell at an old Catholic Church.
What do they use?  Frankincense? Myrrh? Both? I don't know, but it smells
just like what they use at Mass.  Google tells me that both are symbolic
of Mary Magdalene.  I did a YouTube search and Google search of her.
And there's a lot of "channeled" messages supposedly from her.
I'm not big into the whole channeling thing.  Not saying it isn't legit,
just way too woo-woo for me.  Especially the ones claiming to be messages
from both her and Jesus.  *Queue Twilight Zone music*

But seriously....what is that smelling the incense all about? 
If there's a message, I don't understand.

Hope you have a lovely last day of April.
See you next month.


  1. You are really motivated with your writing. Wish I could be that way. I've so much I want to write, but never seem to get to it.

    1. I don't know if I'm motivated lol. I have more days where I just don't get anything done. Camp and the blog along was what got me through April I think. My posts on that blog were more brain dumps than anything else. But they also sparked some ideas too.
      What's silly is I feel guilty for taking any time to write. or art. or play with my camera. or anything else that brings me joy. And so nothing gets done. Vicious cycle that is. Working on changing that mind set though. *fingers crossed*

  2. Another successful NanoWriMo -- congrats! I'm not a believer in channeling either. Too easy a gig for fraudsters to pull off.

    1. Thank you Debra. I'm grateful that the blog along was happening or I'm not sure I would have gotten as far.

      YES! That's exactly how I feel about channeling. I'm sure there might be some legit people out there. I guess I feel the same about mediums who allege to have messages from your loved ones. It's way too easy to scam a person.
