Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blessed Ostara-Welcome Spring

Today is the Spring Equinox. For me it means the beginning of allergy season. But as long as I have my allergy medicine handy I can usually manage Spring. Though this year I plan to find a natural way of dealing with them.

Today it's supposed to be about 70 degrees. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and even at 10 a.m. it was feeling kind of warm.

I am planning to do some seed starting today. I was at Michael's yesterday and they had a window sill strawberry kit for 50% off as well as a 3 herb kit (lavender, oregano, and thyme) for 50%. So basically I got 2 for the price of 1. Then at Wal-mart I picked up a bag of organic seed starter mix and a package of garlic chives, cilantro, Brandywine tomato, and scallions, all organic seeds.

When I was picking these up yesterday with the intent to sow them today, I didn't even realize it was Ostara. I mean I knew it was coming up, I just lost track of days. So this will be how I will celebrate the day.

Hope you all enjoy your Ostara. And if you're in the southern hemisphere...Blessed Mabon.


  1. It's great to have dreams. There are shops like what you describe. There is a town about 4 hours East of here, that is full of little shops like that. You can do it - it's just a process. Another journey.

  2. Oops - eek! Posted the last comment on the wrong post! Sorry!

    Hope you had a wonderful Ostara planting your seeds!
