Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Happy Day After

It's the day after Christmas. We made it through.  By 2:30 everyone had left and we had a quiet rest of the afternoon.  Everyone seemed happy with their gifts, or so I hope.

I love all of mine!  I got a salt lamp, a set of Harry Potter themed necklaces and a bracelet to match one of them.  CANDY!!!  A set of paints that I am really excited to try out.  And my favorite surprise was a sloth coloring book.   I'm into sloths right now.  It was quite  by accident, but I am totally hooked on these things.  I've never a seen sloth themed book, so I was quite  tickled by it.

Physically, I'm exhausted.  But for the most part in a good way.  Except for last night, didn't sleep worth anything.  Couldn't get comfortable, my hips and legs hurt.  But mostly just worried about my boy.

We had to take my tuxedo boy to the vet on Friday because he had a hematoma form on his ear.  Back in May, he had it on the left and it was surgically treated.  Now it's the right ear.  They did a different procedure on it and the first day or so, it was draining.  But late Saturday into Sunday, it started filling back up. By Christmas Eve night it was completely full again.  We had called the vet around noon, but there wasn't enough time to get him back in and treated before they closed.  So we had to drop him off when they opened this morning.  It did drain a bit last night finally, but by this morning it was half full again. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!   Have no idea what they are doing yet or when they'll check on him.  Not exactly how we planned to spend the day.

I have a hunch that if they have to do another surgery, he may end up spending the night even.    When they did the surgery on Friday, it was in the morning and when we picked him up in the late afternoon he was really out of it.  If they don't do anything and it's surgery until this afternoon, I don't see how they could let us take him home.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see though until we hear from them.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!

Pictures of my baby from a couple of Christmases ago.


  1. Glad you had a good Christmas -- and best wishes to your Tuxedo Boy for a speedy recovery! What a gorgeous cat!

  2. Your boy is quite gorgeous indeed! I wish you all the best for his quick recovery. I have three cats - one Norwegian Forest Cat and two short haired males.

    1. Thank you so much. We have 8 cats total, plus the 2 neighbor cats that like to visit and one feral that comes and goes. Norwegians are such gorgeous creatures!!!
      He's our smallest, but he acts like he's the biggest lol.
