Tuesday, March 31, 2020


So because life isn't messed up enough with a pandemic raging
through the world.
Oh no! No!

We had an earthquake today.
The first one in my life that I actually felt.

Living in Brooklyn back in the day, I never felt them.
It always felt like a truck or bus going by. Or maybe the

The atmosphere felt different just prior, but I thought it was the weather.
It was raining on and off all day, and the wind kept coming up.

Then my desk chair started moving slightly.
When I felt the desk vibrate, I thought someone was shaking it from the other side. I was about to yell 'knock it off' when the whole house started to shake. The ceiling fan over my desk was rocking. And my chair was rolling around on the floor mat with me in it!

The air felt electric and then there was a pressure in the air that lasted a bit.  The whole event lasted a few seconds maybe, but it felt like minutes.

Turned out the earthquake was a 6.5.

I could have done without the experience.

No damage here, we are all okay.
Just a few pictures shifted on the wall.

Hoping not to feel any aftershocks.


  1. I remember an earthquake we had in Long Island about 30 years ago. I was living in Queens at the time. Yes, there was a strangeness in the air before it happened, and I remember a little mouse came out of the wall and just ran around in circles at our feet. The animals feel it before we do.

    1. Just before it happened, all the cows and their calves gathered in the center of the field and were looking towards the house of the farmer that owned them. I thought it was feeding time, but they weren't out yet. I think they must have sensed it.
      Then, our Saint started a low growl but we thought she heard the neighbor's (cow owner) 4 wheeler, because now they were coming out to feed. So they were out in the field when it hit.
      The cats....couldn't care what happened lol

  2. Wow! That was quite an experience! Glad no one got hurt.

    1. It was!!!
      One I could do without ever repeating lol.

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