Wednesday, November 6, 2024

OH WTF Here we go again

I never ever thought this would happen...AGAIN! 
But here we are...AGAIN!

My Grandma must be rolling over in her grave right now.
Her husband, my Grandpa, died fighting the Dictator in WWII.
Leaving her a widow in her 20s. Then said dictator's army stole 
her home from her, the home my Grandpa built himself. 

She, I believe, was part of the resistance back in her day living
under a communist regime.  I wish I knew the whole story, but
instead I have to play what would grandma do.

Right now, I grieve.
RIP Democracy.
I'm terrified. I'm angry. I'm at a loss for words.

Odds are I will lose my insurance once he takes over. 
But who fucking knows. It's all just so fucking doom and gloom
right now.

What he can or can't do, what he will or won't do...Only time will tell.

Image found on FB

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Checking In

I'm still here. 
Still plugging along.
Wanting to write, but not having the words.

It's been too hot to think. We had a long run of triple digit days.
It's finally broken, for now. Hopefully the break lasts.

We have a 187thousand acre+ wildfire blazing about 27 miles from us.
The smoke has been terrible. 
We are safe!

We have chickens again. But we lost one a couple of weeks ago.
We tried to save her and we thought we did for a day. 
We also have ducks again. They are around four months old.

I have good days and bad days with the POTS and Fibro, as one does.

But I am still here.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy Leap Year!!!


Happy New Year, dear ones!

Hope it is a peaceful, lovely, happy, healthy, prosperous one!

I made it see the new year in a midnight. Promptly went to bed by 12:20 AM.
The cat however, had other ideas and wanted to keep me awake. I told him, "KC,
my dear boy, this is NOT how we are starting out the new year. Now lay your 
happy ass down." It still took me a bit to fall asleep after that, but that's just the way
it is these days.  Oh and he did lay his happy ass down, BTW 😉

This is the first time I've really had a tough time coming up with a Word of the Year.
I am bring with me again, because we aren't done yet, SACRED and SOVEREIGNTY.
I think ALIGNMENT, too.  But I always like to have a new word.  I've mulled a few over.
But, nothing was or is jumping out too much. Then, sometime before the clock struck 12,
I saw someone post something about UNBECOMING. 

Now I know that sounds a bit, um...unconventional? perhaps. But...I feel like I need to go 
through an unravel, unpacking, UNBECOMING of ALL the things I was told I was or 
wasn't, all the lies I was told about me, all the boxes people tried to or put me into. It almost 
sounds fitting.

It fits into the running theme I have been seeing to about letting go of old beliefs, old
patterns, old habits, things that don't serve me any longer. Let's see what happens!