Thursday, December 21, 2023

Blessed Yule, Happy Winter Solstice


I thought I would pop in to wish everyone that reads my ramblings a Blessed  Yule 
and a Happy Solstice. 

I've sadly come to dislike the holidays around this time. They are just so stressful and 
overwhelming.  I'm supposed to be avoiding stress and reducing it as best as I can and then
people spring shit on you like let's do a white elephant exchange....last minute.  It's supposed 
to be something you don't want and give that as a gift. 1) I don't have anything I want to give 
away. and 2) Nobody wants my shit anyway.  None of these people share my interests.

It's bad enough that Christmas Eve is the anniversary of my dad's passing.
Then everything in the world that is going on. And the pressure to people please with gifts
you don't have the finances for. All the pressure from consumerism in general to buy this, 
buy that. Spend spend spend.  UGH!!! It sucks!

The pressure to participate in things that make me uncomfortable...(the white elephant exchange).

Can I just go hide somewhere until all of this is over?