Saturday, November 2, 2013

And We're Off!

Let the writing frenzy commence.  Well it did for many at the stroke of midnight local time all around the world as WriMo-ers attempt to write 50,000 words in this month of November.  I have joined the pack as I have done every year for the last eight years.

In between writing spurts, I have been marveling at how well some others have been doing.  One gal...she challenged herself to write all 50k in 24 hours and DID IT!  She was just over the 50k and still had about 4 hours to spare.  That my friends is some insane writing right there!  My friend Wendy...made it to 15,000 on her first day!  Her personal goal was 9k.  (I'm jealous, but happy for her too!!)  I have seen some many varying degrees of first day success, it's amazing!

Before I headed to bed, shortly after midnight on the first, I wrote the first few lines of what will my NaNo novel.  I just couldn't go to be without writing something.  I got some sleep and hit the computer shortly after 10 AM.  Did a quick email and facebook check, and then dove into writing out the beginnings of the chapter that I had sketched out days earlier.  I ended the day with just over 2,000 words!  The goal for the day was only 1667.  I pleased to say the least.  I wrote on and off through out the day so as not to stress my shoulder too much. 

When I went to bed last night, it was all I could do not to come back out to my computer and write some more.  If it wasn't for my protesting shoulder, I might have done so.  But I got back up this morning, and after the usual check of email and facebook again.  It's habit, I just make sure I don't let myself get sucked in by the games right now.  They will be there.  I worked some more on writing.  It seems so right to be writing.  I don't know what it is.  Before I knew it, I was over 4,000 total and set a goal to reach at least 5,000 for the day.  I passed that now too.  I am a full day a head of the daily mark.  I am so proud of myself right now.  I just hope the momentum keeps up and that all the characters just keep throwing things out at me.  It has been a good two days for me writing wise. 

Here's to hoping the next 45,000 words come just as easily.

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