Monday, February 11, 2019

House Keeping

I took a little time (hours!) to go through the blog roll of the blogs I follow on here.  I was up to almost 650 blogs!  A good majority of them have not posted in years, but I am keeping them on as they have some good reference things and information on them.  I deleted over 200!  Many of them were either deleted from Blogger themselves by the creator or had been hacked by foreign bullshit sites.  What task that was!!!  I did keep some that were "empty" for now, in hopes that the bloggers will return.  Though I might revisit the list in a few months and see what else to clean up.

I'm a little sad to see that Google+ is going away.  Like others have said, if you commented via that you might want to repost a comment.  When G+ goes, so do the comments.  I've used it myself as an archive of sorts for websites/blogs that I wanted to keep revisiting or had an interesting post so I could easily find it again.  I had to go through that too and save/bookmark any sites I didn't want to lose. 

Times are changing I suppose.  Not always for the better.  I look at the world around us, the news, and some days I just can't believe the times we are living in.  I often wonder if my grandma would think it's a repeat of things she witnessed only with a modern day twist.  I can only hope things will get better before shit gets crazy.  But it seems more likely things will get worse before anything else.  Hopefully one day sanity and reason will return to this country of ours.

Speaking of housekeeping, I guess I should get back to the dishes before the water gets cold.


  1. I never really understood or liked Google+. I guess a lot of other people didn't either and that was the problem, LOL!

    1. I didn't really use it myself as social media, it was more of an online place to keep certain things for reference. I think some people tried to use it, but it just never took off in the way they hoped I suppose. It was a bit confusing too.

  2. I don't think I ever used Google+ and just don't understand what it has to do with comments. I went through some blog housekeeping awhile back, and yes, it is so tedious. Like you I have kept some blogs who haven't posted in years in the hopes that they return.

    1. Yes, removing blogs that have disappeared completely or have been hacked is VERY tedious! There should be an easier way, but I guess I should be happy there is a way at all.
      Some people opted to comment on blogs here via G+ instead having or creating a blog profile. So with G+ going away, so do the comments. I don't see why the comments should be deleted really, but I am guessing it all goes as one package.
