Monday, February 24, 2020


I just looked at my lists of posts.

And I realized that as of last week,
I've had this blog for 11 years!!
It's hard to believe that I've been blogging that long.

Some say blogging is dead.
Some say you can only blog successfully if you monetize it.

When I started all that time ago, money was never a factor.
It still isn't.

I don't know what I expected to get out of blogging.
But what I did get was some very incredible connections
who I consider friends.

I miss the early days of blogging.
Of making those connections.
Especially the new ones.
Of finding those kindreds that got you and understood you.

This space
This blog
Is my sanctuary.

It is where I can brain dump
as best as I can to sort out my thoughts.

And so long as it is here
I will be here.

Thank you to all of you that follow me and read my rants and raves.
Thank  you to all of you that have commented over the years,
And to those that still do.
Thank  you to those who have become friends. ❤❤❤❤❤


  1. Happy 11th Blogoversary! Yes, blogging is not the red-hot activity it once was -- so many people have moved on to faster, simpler, less wordy ways to post, like FB, twitter, instagram, etc. But those of us who like to write and read still hang out in the blogosphere!

    1. I do my fair share on Instagram. I don't bare my soul on FB like so many do.
      I guess it's that I feel "rooted" here that I'm still here blogging.
