Monday, September 2, 2019

Temporarily Down For The Count

I have no idea what it is or what caused it, or if it might be this weird bug going around.

BUT...I've been down for the count since Friday.
Woke up okay, and then I started feeling dizzy.
Which started making me feel nauseous.
I brushed it off and just a passing thing or maybe just my blood sugar dropping too low
since I hadn't had any breakfast.  I'm not much of a breakfast person.

I sucked on a hard candy until I could get something to drink and nibble on.
That usually works, and when it didn't I started to wonder what the hell.
I barely made it through the Dollar Tree.  But I did grab a drink and some crackers.
They didn't help.

"Mom" made the executive decision to just go back home and finish errands later.
We only got a couple of miles before all my coffee made a return trip.
UGH!  But once that was over with, I felt slightly better.
Eventually, I started to feel a hair better but went back to bed and laid there awhile.
That was all the vomiting I did, and the nausea went away for the most part.
But the world wouldn't stop spinning.

So we're thinking I some how developed vertigo.
I think it's some how related to my neck.
Trying some home remedies to see if I can shake it.

I managed to go out after all on Saturday afternoon.  Made it through mostly with only
mild dizziness. But on the way home, since it was hotter it started to get a little worse.
At least not Friday worse though.

I picked up some Ginko and some Dramamine.
Both are supposed to help with vertigo, if that's what it is.
If it's the weird bug going around, then at least the  Dramamine will help with the
dizziness and nausea.  Added some B12 in there too.
It was a little better yesterday and today is so so, not worse but I'm not at 100% either.

It feels somewhat like I'm on a boat.
If I move my head too fast, then things really spin for a minute.
If by the end of the week it's not better or  gone, I'll probably go to the doctor.

In the meantime, I am mostly just sitting and doing not much of anything.


  1. I get mild vertigo a couple of times per year myself. I don't usually get nausea with it (that's why it's mild). But I get dizzy when my head moves in certain positions -- upwards, downwards (as in bending over) and especially when I first lie down in bed or roll over in bed -- the whole room spins for about 10 seconds and then settles down. In my case, vertigo lasts a varying amount of time -- sometimes only two or three days, sometimes two or three weeks. I don't take anything for it. I just wait for it to go away. Vertigo is caused by crystals in the fluid of the inner ear, that's why it affects the sense of balance. It's more of an annoyance than anything else, I find.

    I hope yours is relatively benign too and passes quickly!

    1. I've never had this before. It just cropped up quite randomly, a bit scary too. After a week now, it's somewhat better but I'm still not 100%. There are wobbly moments still. Bending down is not a good move for me still.
      The Dramamine helps a little. My neck still feels quite uncomfortable, not exactly feeling stiff. Don't know how to explain it really.
      Hoping this all goes away soon, so I can feel "normal" again.
