Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Forever In My Memory

Today like, for most New Yorkers and those who lost friends and loved ones was a somber day.

I tried to fill my day with distractions, unsuccessfully.

I still can't bring myself to watch a memorial on TV.
After 18 years, I just can't.

There were little things today that brought certain moments to the front of my mind.

There was a post I read on Facebook today that said something along the lines of:
9/11 is the JFK moment of this generation.
And it hit me as to how right she was.

I can remember as a child, my mother or grandmother talking about where they were
or what they were doing when JFK died.
And that is exactly what my generation is doing today.
My feed was filled with "Where were you when" posts about that fateful day.

I won't reiterate the details of my experience.
I've posted it before.

I used to think writing it every year was  helpful.
Now, I'm not so sure.
If nothing else, it keeps it fresh in my mind.

The sad thing is, for all the remembering done today.
Life will go on as usual tomorrow, as if today never happened.
Those that hung up their hate for today, will don the cloak of it
tomorrow and go about their ways.
Or maybe I'm just being cynical? Is that the right word?

Can't we all just fucking get along and live in peace?!
But that might be a post for another day. Eh?


  1. Was thinking this morning when I got up about 18 years ago, the day after 9/11/ I had to go to work on the Bowery. When I came up the subway stairs it was so eerie. The busy streets were devoid of cars and instead there were Army jeeps and tanks. No one was allowed below 14th Street without showing ID. Surreal.

    1. I was still in Brooklyn at the time. The day after was the day we were supposed to leave to go back to GA. But flights were grounded until further notice.
      I can remember thinking how surreal it felt to be standing in my Grandma's kitchen and hearing F15 fighters flying overhead. It was just crazy, it felt unreal.
      I regret now, not having taken pictures from the corner of her block. But at the same time, I don't because seeing unfold on the TV was more than enough. Seeing the smoke billowing up above the roof tops and slowly creeping in our was more than enough to burn into my mind.
      It was like something out of a book or movie :(
