Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday Summary

It's been too hot to do much of anything except putter around the house.  But after awhile, it even gets too hot to do that.

I just had a thought.  It goes back to Dr Kellee's workshop for Woman Unleashed.  One thing I have been wanting to do/feel is be my authentic and true self. To speak my truth, be who I was meant to be.  But, I never get to bring myself to do it.  If I start, I fall back into old habits and ways of being.  It just now hit me, why I don't get any further.  I am afraid people won't like me if I am my authentic self.  I bury the Brooklyn in me because people don't like it.  She's too coarse, too loud.  If I speak my truth, people won't like me.  So instead I stay silent, I stay in my old way of being.  I don't know how to change that because the fear is real.

Pretty much most of the counter and floor space has been found again at the house here.  It's nice to see the house being a house again.   Fall might be a time of repainting part of a room and doing some touch up and wall repairs where we dinged corners and what-not.  But that all depends on how Momma T's recovery is going.  Turns out she fractured her L-1!  All from turning wrong while lifting something.  OUCH!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, I was out of commission myself.  We've been off coffee for pretty much a week or so.  She and I have both been finding that drinking the coffee was making us nauseous in the mornings.  So as an experiment we switched to tea. Which I'm fine with really.  I LOVE my tea!  But towards the end of the week, I started waking up with a mild headache that was more annoying than painful.  But yesterday, it was a full blown migraine that even made sick to my stomach.  I went back to bed and slept for another 3 hours but it didn't help.  There was some coffee yesterday, so I grabbed a half a cup and an Advil Migraine.  Then stayed in bed all day nursing it with copious amounts of catching up on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime and then watching The Two Towers and The Return of the King.  Because Lord of the Rings makes everything better.

I feel way better than I did yesterday. At least I feel human and like I can function on some sort of level.  Yesterday I couldn't even help with little Miss M.  Everything sounded like someone was dragging a needle across a vinyl record. 

Here's hoping I don't have one of those again!!!!!!!  It was NOT fun!


  1. Glad you feel better today. I gave up coffee several months ago and started drinking tea in the morning. Never liked tea until then. Now I enjoy trying all the different types. I look for some fun teas as well as some that work on different health issues.

    1. I gave up coffee about 8 years ago. Went to drinking tea. I did great for several years. But one day about a year ago, more or less lol, I had a hankering for a cup of coffee and that was it. Maybe I just can't do it every day, because I had some this morning and no side effects. I do love my tea though! Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Orange Spice, Chai, Blueberry. The list is long LOL
