Friday, April 17, 2020

Is This The New Normal?

The Governor here extended out "lock down" for another 15 days until April 30th, he announced that two days ago. 

Then I see on the news sites that Michigan is bitching because they are on a "lock down" order and don't want to be.  The protesters are out there with guns and shit saying that they're quite okay with being infected or infecting others. Because the dumb asses think it's just like a flu or cold.  And it's a virus so it's supposed to spread.   (insert facepalm here)

Or just look to the Northern part of Idaho and they have a similar sentiment.  With one of the state reps going so far as to say she thinks people should be willing to infect each other just like parents do with kids and chicken pox.

I can't even find words to express how dumb shit like this pisses me off!!!

The other day, we went to go pick up a grocery order that we made online.
Can't get bananas
Can't get tomatoes
TP is still hit and miss. 

So we decided to brave another grocery store.
Donning masks and gloves, felt....well just weird!
And certainly not at all normal!!!!
Walking around the store, there were only a handful of shoppers here.
All but two people were without gloves or masks.
Everyone else was "geared up".
And everyone pretty much avoid each other as best we could.

We did manage to find tomatoes!
And paper towels!!!! even though it was only 1 package of 6 rolls per family.
No TP or Kleenex to be had here either.
Managed to find some rice, but was limited to 1 small bag.  2 pounds maybe?
And we find a few (or alot) of things we wanted. 
Outside of needing say milk, we should be okay I think for the next couple weeks.

Looking at how things are going.
State lines being somewhat closed to out of state people.
Travel bans.
Shopping limits as in how many can be in a store at one time, how long you can
be in the store in some places, how much of certain things you can buy.
It makes me wonder if this is the new state of things.
We have a leader how doesn't give a shit and many in the country like him.  Even if
it effects them negatively they still follow him blindly.  Okay well that parts not new,
but you know what I mean.
Schools have gone digital.
Movies have gone to online releases.
I can't help but wonder if this is the New Normal.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's going to be more or less the New Normal until such time as an effective vaccine is developed.
