All the big words are overwhelming.
When I start to Google search, I feel like I am falling down a rabbit hole.
I got my lab results yesterday.
The amazing news is, my sugar was good. With a family history of Diabetes this was
a relief to hear. I know things could be different somewhere down the line. But for now, this is a win I will take.
On the other hand, my cholesterol is elevated and my triglycerides are at 251. I discovered that being on birth control or other medications could in fact raise your triglycerides, so that would explain that somewhat. I don't know why my cholesterol is high. I don't eat a lot of fried foods or tons of gravy laden foods. I guess we tend to eat a lot of processed foods from time to time, and I am a soda fiend. Though, if I put my mind to it I can be quite successful at cutting back or stop drinking it all together.
I'm grateful for the fact my doctor is wanting me to try lowering it with diet first. I was told to lower my fat intake and lower my animal products intake. Not 100% sure what that second part means exactly. But as memory serves my aunt said she lowered hers by eating more fish and chicken and by cutting out or heavily back on red meats.
I love chicken, turkey, and most fish/shellfish. I've been diving down the rabbit hole that is Google to see what foods I can turn to that will help me lower this. Beans, beans, beans seem to be the top of the list. There seems to be some conflict between white rice vs brown rice. Of course the age old argument whether butter is good or bad. FYI: I will not give up the butter!!! I'm willing to cut back though.
So far it seems the consensus is to go vegetarian, flexitarian, or Mediterranean. All of which I can do easily enough. The downside is that several things suggest Tofu and soy products as a meat replacement. I am allergic to Tofu/soy and can't do that. Most also suggest adding more nuts into your diet, again I'm stuck thanks to a nut allergy. And then adding more fruit. I love fruit, I do. But I cannot eat most raw fruits like apples, pears, peaches. I'm fine with bananas, grapes, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries. It's the same with some raw veggies, but if things are cooked then I don't usually have a problem unless there is another ingredient I am sensitive or allergic too.
I am also allergic to oats and so many things suggest adding oatmeal to your diet. Oddly though, I can eat Cheerios. But put oats or oatmeal in something and I start having trouble breathing and get itchy and start swelling in my mouth and throat.
Then there's eggs....eggs are good, no eggs are bad. Only eat egg whites, no yolks are fine but no more than 3 times a week.
Or how about avocado....yes yes eat more, no no limit how much you have.
Lots of helpful but at the same time conflicting information out there. I was offered no diet plan or suggestions other than what I mentioned above low fat/animal products. So research and read it is.
I've cut down on red meat and mostly eat vegetarian dishes now. I love my beans. The other night I made an awesome soup of beans and veggies...and since I attend WW it was perfect, no points. If your allergy is to oats, you might want to try looking into some of the ancient grains like quinoa. I pretty much follow the Mediterranean diet. I do veer from it at times, but I love most of the foods on it...except seafood. I make that up with tuna.