Friday, September 21, 2018

House Keeping

I did some renovations on the blog page today.  Hopefully I have cleaned it up a bit.  And after the last several years of having the same theme background I finally changed it. I don't know if elements on the blog and backgrounds are still as customizable as they were back in the day.  So I am going with a standard background and just customized the color itself.  I think I want to still make some tweaks here and there, but for now this will do.

I wish I could edit my blog address to my blog name.  But the combos offered just don't sit will with me, and straight up "forgotten muse" seems to be taken. 

I've been thinking about adding a tab or two, or are they called pages? to the blog.   Maybe one to share photos or art I've made.  I have toyed with this idea for ages, I just can't bring myself to do it. Not yet anyway.

One of the things I eliminated was the blog badges.  Many of the ones I had were no longer blogging, a couple of links were broken.  So I decided to take those down and instead replace with my NaNo participation badges. 

I also discovered that the music mixer that was on here once upon a time was also broken.  I didn't even realize it until today and then I almost couldn't figure out how to delete it.  I had a word counter from a forever ago project that I also didn't know how to edit, so that went too.

As always, this blog is ever a work in process.


  1. You've certainly been a faithful NaNoWriMo participant for many years -- impressive -- and I see 3 winner badges on your sidebar too. Congrats!

    1. Thank you Debra! I have tried for sure. There's been a couple (few) years were I was going to pass it up. Then I thought, but what if this is the year I win. And so I try again.
