First you don't get a post in 3 months, now you get 3 in a row.
I hate feeling helpless. I don't like not being able to fix something or help or just offer a shoulder to cry on or ear to listen. CANCER SUCKS! And when a loved one is battling it, it's rough. Being so far away, I feel disconnected. Out of the loop. Everytime I hear nothing, I think oh things are going good. Then I find out they have been in and out of the hospital for months. They are back in right now being treated for an E-coli infection. Once that is cleared up, they have to switch hospitals and have their stent changed. I don't understand any of what's going on. I don't understand how E-coli is common in cancer patients. I feel helpless because I am not there and can't do anything to help.
I haven't emailed my loved one, the care giver in this as I don't know what to say. It all seems so cliche and I don't want to say things that everyone normally says in situations like this.
I don't know what stage they are in, I don't know what the prognosis is. I really don't know anything except what kind it is. I don't know if they are getting the best care and treatment options available or not. I would assume they are, I hope they are.
It sucks they should be enjoying their life, not fighting for it. I hope they go into remission and stay there. I hope they can heal and enjoy life.
Please send strength and healing to my family.
I would email your loved one. If not, and something should happen, you will probably always feel a sense of guilt.